Sunday, June 29, 2014

Backwards falling forward, 365 days of bliss...

Today marks 365 days of wedded bliss for myself and my amazing husband, Joel. Our backward path has been a beautiful journey, that few can fully understand.  We were destined to be together.  Even if the path has been quite twisted at times, finding each other hasn't been easy  but well worth the journey!  Always taking the hard road, rocks being hurled into our path on a daily basis, we are two very complex creatures. Not many could endure what we do, and still manage to bring a colorful rainbow into a dark sky. Today, I share with you the story of how we met.

It was 2010, my first year living back in Michigan. ArtPrize is a tradition and the best time to be a part of Grand Rapids ( so, I had to get out and see everything! My entire day was dedicated to walking around town checking out the art. Being kind of a solitary person, I had no problem going it alone. Stumbling across this beautiful church, Fountain Street Church, I realized the church bells that I loved hearing on Sunday mornings came this church. Being an ArtPrize venue, I of course made my way in.  (

Happening to be a service day, I decided to go inside the beautiful sanctuary and attend.  An overwhelming feeling that I needed to be there came over me, something pulled me in. Walking into that massively beautiful church, walking down the ornate isles, I notice this beautiful bearded man also sitting alone. Not wanting to look like a weirdo, I sat an isle behind and a few seats to left of him. When the choir came out and the largest organ I've ever seen started playing, I had chills down my spine and tears in my eyes. Little did I know, he noticed me too. We turned towards each other, accidentally making eye contact, we locked eyes both knowing that this was someone who was going to change our life.  This was the reason that we were both brought here, on the same day, at the same time.  It was destiny.

The service ended, and Joel came and asked me if I'd like to go have lunch with him and go check out some more art.  (Joel was new to the Grand Rapids area himself, and knew not one person)  Without a doubt, I agreed and our first date began and lasted all day, then went into the evening hours. Joel's favorite local Brewery ( was releasing one of their special releases the next morning, and he asked me if I'd like to attend.  I agreed, not really knowing what I was getting myself into.

This definitely was not the type of thing I was into, but for him I could not resist.  People actually waited in line 6-8 hours to get beer, even some camped out on the sidewalk.  It all seemed ludicrous to me! (With all fairness, I'm sure there are plenty of things that I do that are silly in other people's minds.)  That's my hubby and Joel is Passionate about his beer, for sure.

Hours seemed to go by like minutes.  We talked and laughed, having a great time with each other and included all the other beer lovers around us.  Not only did I wait in line with him, but I bought him a bottle of his beer, it was that moment (he says) that he knew he had found his match. Since I don't drink beer, (I'm a wine-o myself) buying a $20 bottle of beer wasn't something I would generally do.  (Two of those bottles were saved for our wedding day, and yes I had a few drinks!)

From that moment on, we were inseparable! Soon after, we started to meet each other's children and families, and even made a child of our very own, Mister Brodie Riggs!  A monster of his own monstrous proportions!

Every day we deal with the struggles of Joel having Multiple Sclerosis, living within an extremely meager situation, blending very difficult family situations, both of our complexities and health problems, we fight hard but luckily we love harder!  We couldn't be more lucky!  Most people who've had the boulders thrown in their path that we have, would have given up or ran away. Neither of which are options for us.

Happy Anniversary, Joel!  One of many more to come!

I love you!

Sanctuary of Fountain Street Church - picture does no justice

Art featured at Fountain Street
We were 604th in line for BEER!
This was (and still is) our favorite ArtPrize entry.

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