Monday, June 16, 2014

I will ride the spiral, till the very end...

A theory that many, maybe even yourself believe, The Law of Attraction.   Essentially, if you believe and think about your desires/dreams long enough, they will ultimately find you.  Can our thoughts, consciously and subconsciously, effect things outside of our head?  Sure, there is a certain allure to this idea.   Seeming to have all the aspects of being, just another form of religion.   A faith based initiative that gives people hope and comfort in times of tragedy, worsening life direction, and despair.  Could be, it's just one of those facts of life, that will never be known, until our life ends.  

Tool has a song to fit any occasion:

Over thinking, over analyzing, seperates the body from the mind.  Withering my intuition leaving all these opportunities behind.  Feed my will to feel this moment, urging me to cross the line.  Reaching out to embrace the random.  Reaching out to embrace whatever may come.  I embrace my desire to feel the rhythm, to feel connected.  To feel inspired, to fathom the power.  To witness the beauty, and bathe in the fountain.  To swing on the spiral of our divinity and still be human.   I'm reaching for the random, or whatever will bewilder me.  Following our will and wind, we may just go where no one's been.  We'll ride the spiral to the end.   

I am an open minded person, I believe in Magick.  If there were college courses for where my faith lies?  I would consider that major to be in Paganism & Spirituality, with a minor in Metaphysics.  That being said, this theory is a bit too idealistic, for me.  If I get sick, into a car wreck, or just have a really shitty week... it's my fault?!  I sincerely try to stay positive all of the time, this is why I believe this law to be all too romantic.     I'm not here to criticize, having a belief system in itself, is more than can be said for a large number of the population.  I am just doing my job:  free a mind, grow a soul, inspire change.  

For instance, flying is my biggest fear.  For about a week before flight, I get extremely nervous.  Not being able to sleep at night, and when I do, have horrific nightmares of my plane crashing.  It's all I can think about before a flight.  Please, I don't need the added stress that these thoughts will make my plane that much more likely to crash, opposed to any other plane in the sky!  That's much too muchery for me!  On the opposite, I'd love a million dollars (even a thousand would be nice)  So, all I need to do is think about it, and I'll win the lottery or stumble upon riches?  Where do I sign up?

When a person prays to their God, they are asking a question... usually in hopes for an answer, through some sort of divine intervention.   The Law of Attraction, I don't really see as much different.  Yes, most people need to have faith, it just makes them feel good.  I do trust, that positive thought is one aspect to achieving prosperity, no matter what your deity.  

 Naturally, more doors open if you carry a positive outlook.  My personal struggles with faith, have been on trial, more than once.  Seems to me, this theory can be summed up by a more simplistic concept, such as:  believe in yourself, believe in others, believe in love, believe in truth and just loving life the best way you know how!   In my experiences, it's been these things that manifest more change and/or opportunity, than thinking it will happen easily through positive thinking.   (My best friends' father is battling his last stages of terminal cancer.  As she watches her Dad wither, I know that none of that pain is going to end, with positive thoughts.)  All I can help but think, that this thought could be very dangerous to a smaller minded individual.         

As human beings, we have a natural desire to understand exactly why things happen.  Myself, being an avid believer in karma and things happening for a reason, I understand that you may never understand these reasons.  Some things aren't meant to be known.   Personally, thinking that you can change your destiny by thoughts, seems all too perfect.  Being in the know, about the awesome things on the horizon for our future, is a healthy and positive thing, I would never question that.  But, we never really are in the know, when it comes to such things.    Naturally, a more successfull person, is more often likely to carry out a positive thought process.   (Doesn't everyone have that 'Debbie downer' friend, that you just want to shake, and say, "can't you ever have a happy thought to save your life"?)  

When going through a rough patch, it seems as if everything bad is happening at once, a shit storm being purged all at one time!  When things are going good, the days seem to go by without a hitch!  The real secret, is acquiring the ability to keep that same positive frame of mind, even while spinning around the most downward of spirals.  -  Rainbows will never appear without first,  the rain falling.

The good rolls with the bad, and this is for a reason.  How will we ever appreciate the blessings, if we just brush off the negative?   It's the downfalls that mold our entire being, our character.  Embrace everything, even the bad.  Never take anything for granted, appreciate every moment you have on this beautiful spinning globe of magick. Whether there is scientific law to this, or if we are all just experiencing the human condition with the best of intentions, let's not waste our time with negative thoughts.  

Positive thinking = positive energy!  In turn, it will ultimately lead us to a positive outcome. On that note, doubt is humble, and I think you should always question yourself.  Saying otherwise, is just sugarcoating life, and I don't do that, ever!  Life can be way too bitter at moments to coat it with honey.  Making someone believe that everything is going to be okay, when it may not.  Telling someone who is obviously making the wrong choices, that they are making the right ones?  Does not a very good person make.  Most of the time, it’s saying the facts that people don’t want to hear, that will carry the largest impact.

You can't rest your future on,  "All of your dreams falling into your lap, if you just think long and hard enough".  The only way to achieve dreams, is by putting in the work, and questioning yourself at every new step.  -  You must make sure the first step is sturdy before stepping on to the next. (Hence the term, climbing the ladder of success.)  There would never be anything to improve upon if it were all just that easy.  There would be no trials or tribulations.  Those being the things that make life the exciting and terrifying roller coaster ride that it is! 

Blessed be! 

Life is nothing but, a figment of controlled imagination.  Spiral out...  

A perfect quote from the movie Signs has just sprung into my head: 

People break down into two groups. When they experience something lucky, group number one sees it as more than luck, more than coincidence, they see it as a sign.  Evidence, that there is someone up there watching out for them. Group number two see it as just pure luck, just a happy turn of chance. I'm sure the people in-group number two are looking at those fourteen lights in a very suspicious way. For them, the situation is a fifty-fifty. Could be bad, could be good. But deep down, they feel that whatever happens, they're on their own.  That fills them with fear. Yeah, there are those people, but there's a whole lot of people in group number one. When they see those fourteen lights, they're looking at a miracle. And deep down, they feel that whatever is going to happen, there will be someone there to help them.  That fills them with hope. See, what you have to ask yourself is:  what kind of person are you?  The kind that sees signs, that sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky?  Look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?

1 comment:

  1. Very enlightening. I don't believe that there is a mystical being out there that is here for us all. When I started living my life with the attitude of do unto others as you would have done to you I realized I can create some of my own destiny. I can control how I react and the words I speak. Karma is a great way as far as I'm concerned. No entity to pray to. I put my destiny in my own hands.
