Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's a karmic circle, this life...

I believe that I am a gentle being, changed by both time, and experiences, both great and terrifying!  Searching forever, maybe for something that doesn't even exist, I will find peace in the stillness of my own heart, finding my inner sanctuary.  Sharing my love, knowledge and experiences with those around me.  

A few conclusive rules to live by, hopefully bringing more happiness and love in the world:  

1.  Never run out of things discuss with like-minded people.
2.  Always help those in need, in whichever way you can. 
3.  Be at one with nature, the greatest healer of all.  
4.  Appreciate what you have, no matter how desolate life may feel.
5.  Meditate and reflect upon yourself daily, nobody knows you better than, you!  

Sleep peacefully at night, not letting worries and former lives keep me awake?  That's what I want!  I will give thanks everyday, excited about the next phase of my life.  Waiting and wondering in anticipation, for the next adventure on life's path.

I have so much weight holding me down, my heart cannot take it any longer.  Somehow, I have managed to make it through life.  Jumping over hurdle after hurdle, pulling myself up.  As the cliche (but so true) saying goes:  "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger".

Failure is something I have had plenty experience, or 'life lessons', if you will,  Maybe it is the failures giving me the need to succeed, or maybe it's the rejections that have toughened me.  Either way, I am learning not to fear failure.  Some people are handed their lives in silver platters, I do not envy them.   Hard work, tenacity and determination is all I want to thank for any successes in life I will hopefully achieve.

The way I see it, there are no negatives, only the possibilities of things to come.  You may see things that absolutely crush your feelings, but be strong and no matter what, never act out of character!  You can make things happen, or you can make excuses, but you cannot do both.  There are few obstacles that cannot be overcome or conquered, except for death.  I am confident that what I don't have today, I will strive to achieve.  If I don't acquire it, then it wasn't meant to belong to me.

With all this said, there have been a few people, who have given me a second, third, fourth and fifth chance. The only way I will ever be able to pay them back?  Giving others the chance to succeed, doing everything in my power to help them achieve their dreams.  You can only strengthen your abilities by helping others strengthen theirs.  I believe that to be part of the whole karmic circle of life.  

We learn things, then we teach things.  You go through life trying to figure out who you are and where you're going to end up. My advice will always be:  Follow your heart, It will never fail to lead you to that place you've always dreamed of, it will be exactly where you're supposed to be, and... you will know it! 

There are many obstacles, there always will be.  They are supposed to be there, to prove your strength and character.  Give it all you've got, If you don't make it... then it wasn't meant to be.  Move on to something else you feel even more passionate about!  Whatever it is, when it's your time... you will find it!  It's in your heart from the day you are born, the key through the door of your own personal nirvana..  You'll be your own daydream believer..

Peace, Love, and Happiness to all the people I love!

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