Thursday, June 19, 2014

Litha, and the celebration of the Midsummer...

Around June 21-22, the sun reaches it's pinnacle point, representing the Sun God in fullest power.  Litha, the longest day of the year, when the sun likes to hang out in the sky.  Energy during Midsummer is most magnetic, the earth is fruitful with abundance and growing life.  A few of my favorite ways to honor the Midsummer, I will share with you today.   I felt as though I needed to post this a few days early, since I figure we all need some time to prepare for such an event!

Midsummer and Paganism:

Litha is a day of inner power, making a perfect time to reflect on the darkness and the light in the world.     Much like the sun, your own energy is most heightened and powerful during this time.  Take a look around and find the growth in abundance around the area you live, it is most beautiful!    

If you are one who marks Midsummer in a ritualized manner, there are a few things that you could place within your alter/circle, that are most powerful during this time.  Sage, mint, basil, St. John's Wort, sunflower and lavender could be burned.  Decorations including, dried herbs, potpourri, seashells, summer flowers and fruits could all bring great solar/summer energy to your circle.  Traditional colors are blue, green and yellow. (I always like to burn candles related to the colors of the season)  Rituals should be performed at noon, when the sun at it's highest point.  Masculine energy and solar influenced rituals are best to perform on this day.  

Roses are usually abundant, perfectly in bloom for Midsummer.  Gathering roses from plans that have not been sprayed with pesticides, as you can add them to teas, jellies, honey and sugar.    Mugwort is another comment plant of the Midsummer, dry them, then add to your dream pillow, it carries and encourages profound psychic energy.

With the Sun God, naturally, fire should be a key focus in your practices.  Fire is always the most easily seen, and you can feel the energy of transformation.  Fire can burn, consume, cook, shed light and purify the soul.  Candles should stay lit for the entire day today, especially if there are clouds and rain on the horizon.  (Candles are always a daily reminder of the significance of The Sun God)

Activities for Litha (Midsummer): 

  • Divination,  romance and love (a great time for handfasting, or renewal of such)
  • Stand in front of a mirror, light a candle and repeat your prayer(s) while allowing candle to burn out organically.  
  • Make paper boats, writing blessings on each.  Place into a river or stream, bringing luck and love to what/whomever may find it, or just giving blessings to the land.
  • Singing and dancing around a bonfire is always my most favorite of things to do!  It brings such great energy, and I believe the Gods/Goddesses feel and love the energy we send.
  • The out of doors:  picnics, nature walks, picking flowers, tubing down the river, rock collecting, swimming, etc... re-connect with Mommy!
  • Creating crows of flowers, can be fun for everyone... the kids especially love this.
  • A dip in water is a common and fun practice for many Pagans/Wiccans.
  • Assemble a collection of herbs and flowers of the summer solstice.

A few good prayers:

For the Garden:
Small plants, leaves and buds, growing in the soil.  O fiery sun, may your rays of light and warmth bless us with abundance, and allow these plants to blossom with life.
For the Beach:

O mother ocean, welcome me in your arms, bathe me in your waves, and keep me safe so that I may return to land once more.  Your tides move with the pull of the moon, as do my own cycles.  I am drawn to you, and honor you under the sun's fiery gaze.
For the Fourth of July:
Gods of liberty, goddesses of justice, watch over those who would fight for our freedoms.  May freedom be given to all people around the world, no matter what their faith.  Keep our soldiers safe from harm, and protect them in your light, so that they may return to their families and their homes.  Goddesses of liberty, gods of justice, hear our call, and light the sky, your torch shining in the night, that we may find our way back to you, and bring all our people together, in unity.
For the Sun:

The sun high above us.  Shining down upon the land and sea, making things grow and bloom.  Great and powerful sun, we honor you this day and thank you for your gifts.  Ra, Helios, Sol Invictus, Aten, varog, you are known by many names.  You are the light over the crops, the heat that warms the earth, the hope that springs eternal, the bringer of life.  We welcome you, and we honor you this day, celebrating your light as we begin our journey once more into the darkness.

There is so much more that I could write on this subject, but I'd be sitting here writing all day.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns... please don't hesitate to ask!  Unless you are condemning my beliefs, in which you can then keep those comments and opinions to yourself.  My spirit is protected and safe, thanks!  

Please take this time comment on my blog, is there anybody out there?  Just, nod if you can hear me.

Peace, love and shooting stars to you all!  Hope your summer finds bright, unique and amazing things!

Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry we meet again

Freedom of speech.  Freedom of faith.  Freedom of religion.  Freedom to stand up and fight for what we believe in.  All this misconception, everyone runs scared, cuz the persecution is high.  What the hell did our ancestors fight so hard for?

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