Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Watch out! Joy thieves are upon us...

Be less curious about other people and the way they live life, and more curious about their ideas! Use your mind for something positive and productive!  Together, we can achieve a higher collective conscious among humans. Sharing and discussing beliefs, ideas and moral grounds that will ultimately unite a powerful force within society.  Why do people care so much about the actions and choices of others?   They just become more and more ignorant of truly important things in life?   

Watch out for those that steal our joy: gossipers, criticizers, complainers, faultfinders, all the negative and judgmental attitudes in society.  Imagine how much different this life would be, if everyone walked away from gossip and/or verbal defamation? Let today be the day that you stand up to such negativity, and consider only the good you know about people.

Encourage others to do the same!   Isn't it kind of silly to think that, for some, tearing someone else down will in some way build them up?  Nothing, to me, is more disturbing than when people jump to conclusions about me (or anyone else) based on nothing but gossip, rumors or speculation.  I ponder which is worse:  the habitual gossipers and naysayers, or becoming so self-centered that we simply forget about sympathy and concern for our fellow humans.  Everyone's story, is their own tale to tell.

I've heard many rumors about myself throughout the years, that were pure lies.  Usually, I find that happens when a person is not happy with their own self.  If you don't have something nice or uplifting to say, please do the universe a solid and keep your opinions to yourself.  Personally, If there is something that you need to know about my life, I will always tell you the truth.   Friends of friends of family friends of my aunt's friends who is the 3rd cousin to my best friends' nephew, should not be assuming things they know nothing about.  Nobody should.

For the sake of love and happiness, if you have a problem with coming to your own conclusion about an individual, stop reading this now. Save your judgement for when you are God.  In reality, I don't particularly care about others' thoughts of me (although with this post you might think I do, but trust me I'm going somewhere so hang on.

Surrounding myself with loving support and encouragement, are the elements you to seek that will result in significant value.  True, honest, real friends and family should support us, no questions asked, unconditionally.   Yes they can be shocked, disappointed, even disgusted but they never try to break us down. However false friends and family are silently judging us when the our backs are turned.   

I am guilty of this offense in my past, and I have hurt people. I have done a lot of wrong.  Thankfully, somewhere along my path, I grew a brain that is capable of thinking for myself - a brain that is strong and seemingly well attached to my shoulders.  This is a tough lesson learned:  everything you do and say will come back to you tenfold -  beware of Karma she can be a real bitch sometimes!

I am a fighter and will fight for the right thing all day, everyday!  Hypocrites exist only in a space, in which I have no vacancy in my life. I have demons that wage war in my soul every day. These are hard enough to battle alone, without adding the people who are supposed to love and care about you.  Instead there are people doing nothing but dragging us down. This shows a complete lack of character on their end, and nobody needs that toxic energy!  There is so much love in the world that goes unclaimed, and I can no longer give any energy to those which do not deserve it.

I may only be speaking for myself here, but when/if I want certain things to be known about me,  I will personally tell the facts.  Therefore, if I don’t tell?  Well, that’s because I don’t want it to be public knowledge, or I really just don’t care about the opinion of that person or group.  I've recently had to separate myself from my entire family because of all of these reasons I've discussed.  It would be a detriment to my future if I did not make this choice.  There are way more loving ways to spend my energy.  

Here is my closure to those I have shutout.  Christa shines brighter everyday without you, and will be a fiery force to be reckoned.  Those that have judged me, ridiculed me, told me that I'm crazy?  You will all eat your words one day, and when that time comes, you may no longer hold any of my heart space.  

I'd rather be the one that speaks the harsh truth, than live a life in the darkness.  Nothing is worse than those who can just shove things under the rug, for the fear of judgement.  

May happiness be forever in your favor, blessed be!

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