Sunday, June 15, 2014

Everything DayDreamer, and celebrating the Day of Father's...

Most of you and I, are completely perfect strangers.  Today I thought I would lift the veil, letting you in on a bit of what makes me tick, making me the perfect DayDreamer.  I will also acknowledge my husband and the amazing father that he is, on this Day of Father's.  Most of these things, I will discuss in more depth, during our wonderful journey together!  Prepare yourself.

Father's Day is today, and of course my husband is getting his fatherly love treatment.  Regardless, I had this whole post typed out about the anger I have towards my father's.  As I was getting ready to send it off into the interwebs, I realized... No!   Releasing that anger is the whole point of my existence, in hopes to inspire that in others.  I can't hold on to it any longer.   I will not let that ruin Father's Day for the most amazing father I know, my husband, Joel.  

With that, I will share with you some of the things that make me, ME!  If it wasn't for my father's and all the crap I've went through, I would not be the person I am today...  So, that's what I will write instead.  The things that make me, ME!  I guess I can thank my father's for these things, right?  

Just a few bullet points, that of which make me, the DayDreamer:

  • Moving to New York City, was the best, and most life changing, experience of my life.  -  I am now living at home in Grand Rapids, Michigan, raising my family and loving it!
  • I fear commitment.  Yes, I'm married.  (It took me until 31 to do that)  Yes, I'm a Mother.  (Not a very good one, until recently)  Certain commitments still scare me to the brink of madness.
  • I've had 3 near death experiences.
  • I dream (one day) to travel America in a Winnebago with my best friend, and both of our families.
  • I can teach myself (almost) any instrument.  My Great Grandmother was a child prodigy, playing the ivory keys!  I am so thankful to inherit her musical gene.
  • I adore tattoos, and want to be covered in them, if it weren't for previously said commitment fear.
  • I have a save the world complex, yet... dislike most people.
  • I have a terrible fear of flying.
  • I do not judge others, and consider myself an extremely open minded individual.  
  • Christmastime is something I wait for all year, it's kind of sickening how much I love the holiday!
  • I hope to teach my children that life is all about the journey, not the destination.  Taking every opportunity that life hands their way!  
  • I always make sure to read the road map of life, to find your way.  I truly believe there are signs everywhere, you just have to learn how to read them! 
  • I have an extreme disdain for women who lose their identities when they enter into a relationship.
  • I've learned that in this life, nobody is perfect. -  Imperfection is where true beauty lies.
  • I'm a total free spirit.  I would probably live somewhere new every year, if it wasn't for my family. 
  • Nature:  pure comfort for everyone's soul.  Brodie, my adventurous and inquisitive 2 year old, and I take nature walks, at least twice a week.  Teaching my kids how important nature is, giving them a beautiful respect for such things, will (I hope) inspire them, in a future that looks all too dismal, to do something, and make a difference, in keeping our planet alive.
  • My brain seems to be a sponge to useless knowledge.
  • Biggest.  Procrastinator.  Ever!
  • My nickname is, Pug. Long story.
  • As a child, I had an imaginary friend.  His name was Johnny, and we did everything together.   One day, he went on a walk, got hit by a car, and died.  I killed off my only friend. 
  • Religion, I have no faith in.  What I do believe?  Being a good person, never act out of character, and always do the right thing.  Whatever maker I do meet, all I can hope is that gets me through the door.  (more than can be said for most Christians, who think sitting in church a couple of hours a week is the surefire, key to heaven)
  • I worry way too much, mostly about things I cannot control.
  • I have a love of animals that I have had since I was a young child.  Sometimes, I feel like I care more for the animal world, than I do for mankind.  
  • I love music, and my collection ranges from Marilyn Manson to Neil Young,  Madonna to Tori Amos, Classical to Gaelic and much, much, much more...
  • Movies I share a close and equal love for.  My favorite genre is horror, go ahead and quiz me!
  • Everything happens for a reason, of this I am sure.
Hope you have enjoyed some insight into my head!  I will certainly elaborate on these things, along the journey of my DayDreaming

Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful Daddy's out there!  Some of you may be struggling at being a Dad, please know and trust this:  it means more to your children (more than you could ever imagine) that you are there.  Your mere presence in their life, does not go unnoticed.  The lack there of, on the other hand,  could haunt them for a lifetime.  It's never to late to be a Dad.  No matter if your children are 3 or 33, it's never too late to grow and maintain a relationship.  There is no better time than now.

Peace, Love and Blessed Be!    

My Father in Law is a one of a kind.  He is loving, accepting and such a kind and wonderful Grandfather, he is the only one that our baby Brodie has.  We are so lucky to have him in our lives.  He is a real Dad, something I can say that I've never really had.  Thanks for raising such a wonderful man, as my husband.  You've shown him the true meaning of what it means to be a Daddy.  You're an amazing person, and an inspiration.  Much love to him, from this way comes!


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