Monday, June 9, 2014

Astral projection, sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming? What craziness do you speak of?

Some of the associated effects of Narcolepsy are the coolest, craziest and sometimes scariest things.  You cannot help but keep an open mind, when your own anatomy is prying it open for you. The mind can truly do some crazy and intense things.  Let's go into the mind of madness, the fun world of astral projection, sleep paralysis, and lucid dreaming in the Narcoleptic brain! 

I use TOOL as a go to soundtrack for any talk of dream/spiritual states of consciousness, as this is generally the first tracks I will put on when I go to meditate:  

"Angels on the sideline, puzzled and amused, why did father give these humans free will?  Now they're all confused.   Father blessed them all with reason, and this is what they choose?  Silly monkey's, give them a thumb, they make a club and beat their brothers down, how they survived so misguided is a mystery.  Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift and eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here

Being the person that I am, when I found out that I have the N word, I started to really think about it, I've always had these crazy, awesome and very weird dream states.  Maybe they are related in some way?  I'm willing to bet on it!  Think about it, it totally makes sense!  We can go into REM instantly, seriously, like it's kind of a super power or something.

adjective: hypnagogic; adjective: hypnogogic
  1. of or relating to the state immediately before falling asleep. 
     the hypnagogic state of consciousness. Mental phenomena that occur during this "threshold consciousness" phase include lucid dreaming, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.

  2. Origin
late 19th century: from French hypnagogique, from Greek hupnos ‘sleep’ + agōgos‘leading’ (from agein ‘to lead’).

I feel the need to start off with the scary part first.  Meet sleep paralysis:  my beloved enemy, nurse, creep you the hell out in the middle of the night.

When we enter REM sleep, our bodies nervous system shuts itself off, which is great, since it stops us running around like maniacs.  If we started runnning around acting out our dreams, probably doing something uber weird, and maybe illegal, ultimately landing us two places:   in jail, the hospital, or in my case, New York City.  So, you’re awake, but your body thinks you’re asleep, therefore, you cannot movie a muscle or make a sound (que nurse betty up there) Scary?  Maybe a little. 

The worst experiences I've had, have dealt with my baby, feeling that someone is hurting your your little child, and there is nothing you're able to do about it?  It’s very hard to explain, and a terrible feeling.  There have been a few friends, family or boyfriends over the years have wondered why I wake up so crazy, well.. if you're out there reading this, now you get it.  Nurse creepy, right there.
FUN FACT:  many alient abduction stories have come from sleep paralysis attacks. 
Now we can start to have some fun:
Sleep paralysis has also shown to be a platform to some of the most authentic in OBE (out of body experiences) - if the dreamer can logically work through the initial shock and panic state, relaxing and getting past those feelings of utter terror and refuse the instinct of flight, some cool things could happen:

A true out of body experience.  Wheather you're a believer or a cynic, I can tell you this, I think I’ve come close, without knowing it.  I don't know I could get past nurse creepy, and I haven’t really meditated in a long time, but I used to be really dedicated.  (Sometimes we lose our path, but it's never too late to follow your yellow brick road)  But, I know that in order to get past nurse creepy and her warriors of evil medical staff, it will take meditation, and lots of it!

Full lucid dream statea lucid dream is a vivid awareness of a dream. Basically, you know you are dreaming inside your dream.  You can make things happen, manifest things, rewind, fast forward, talk to anyone you want.  Many people wish they could do this.

This is something I have been doing for years, without even trying.  Honestly, I never knew it was such a desirable quality.  I cannot do it all the time, and It’s usually during the day, with the whole daytime sleepiness thing, did you know that's when I do most of my dreaming, by the way. REM, 1.5 minutes.  It’s great.

Good night, and hope you get some good REM cycle tonight.  I got mine around 2pm yesterday afternoon.

I’d like to thank author of the blog below for some my facts of the evening:

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