Thursday, September 18, 2014

I'm going in a new direction...

    I've recently started to attend Grand Rapids Community College, and have gotten a lot of great feedback from my English (and Photography) professors.  It has made me realize that I need to go back to writing here, with you as my audience. With that said, I've decided to go in a new direction with Narcoleptic Daydreamer, and share my writings with you.  Since I've gotten such great comments from professors, it will be interesting to see what an actual audience thinks.  

    Being a Photography (Fine/Visual Arts) major, I feel that I need to incorporate that as well.  With every post, I will add one (or several) of my photos.  You will get the best of my talents, writing and photography, and I really hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality...

It has been one week since I have last written.  Pardon the absence, as I have been in the midst of a little existential crisis, with my spirit being pulled in 15 different directions.  Seems to be, writing in my blog was not the way of coping this time.  It was going to take heavy artillery.  Meditation, divinity, and lucid thoughts were the only thing that were going to get me through. Nothing or nobody would help.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Backwards falling forward, 365 days of bliss...

Today marks 365 days of wedded bliss for myself and my amazing husband, Joel. Our backward path has been a beautiful journey, that few can fully understand.  We were destined to be together.  Even if the path has been quite twisted at times, finding each other hasn't been easy  but well worth the journey!  Always taking the hard road, rocks being hurled into our path on a daily basis, we are two very complex creatures. Not many could endure what we do, and still manage to bring a colorful rainbow into a dark sky. Today, I share with you the story of how we met.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Watch out! Joy thieves are upon us...

Be less curious about other people and the way they live life, and more curious about their ideas! Use your mind for something positive and productive!  Together, we can achieve a higher collective conscious among humans. Sharing and discussing beliefs, ideas and moral grounds that will ultimately unite a powerful force within society.  Why do people care so much about the actions and choices of others?   They just become more and more ignorant of truly important things in life?   

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Litha, and the celebration of the Midsummer...

Around June 21-22, the sun reaches it's pinnacle point, representing the Sun God in fullest power.  Litha, the longest day of the year, when the sun likes to hang out in the sky.  Energy during Midsummer is most magnetic, the earth is fruitful with abundance and growing life.  A few of my favorite ways to honor the Midsummer, I will share with you today.   I felt as though I needed to post this a few days early, since I figure we all need some time to prepare for such an event!

Monday, June 16, 2014

I will ride the spiral, till the very end...

A theory that many, maybe even yourself believe, The Law of Attraction.   Essentially, if you believe and think about your desires/dreams long enough, they will ultimately find you.  Can our thoughts, consciously and subconsciously, effect things outside of our head?  Sure, there is a certain allure to this idea.   Seeming to have all the aspects of being, just another form of religion.   A faith based initiative that gives people hope and comfort in times of tragedy, worsening life direction, and despair.  Could be, it's just one of those facts of life, that will never be known, until our life ends.